Source code for theanets.regularizers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

r'''This module contains implementations of common regularizers.

In ``theanets`` regularizers are thought of as additional terms that get
combined with the :class:`Loss <theanets.losses.Loss>` for a model at
optimization time. Regularizer terms in the loss are usually used to "encourage"
a model to behave in a particular way---for example, the pattern and arrangement
of learned features can be changed by including a sparsity (L1-norm) regularizer
on the hidden unit activations, or units can randomly be dropped out (set to
zero) while running the model.

import fnmatch
import theano.tensor as TT

from theano.sandbox.rng_mrg import MRG_RandomStreams as RandomStreams

from . import layers
from . import util

def from_kwargs(graph, **kwargs):
    '''Construct common regularizers from a set of keyword arguments.

    Keyword arguments not listed below will be passed to
    :func:`` if they specify the name of a registered

    graph : :class:`theanets.graph.Network`
        A network graph to regularize.

    regularizers : dict or tuple/list of :class:`Regularizer`, optional
        If this is a list or a tuple, the contents of the list will be returned
        as the regularizers. This is to permit custom lists of regularizers to
        be passed easily.

        If this is a dict, its contents will be added to the other keyword
        arguments passed in.

    rng : int or theano RandomStreams, optional
        If an integer is provided, it will be used to seed the random number
        generators for the dropout or noise regularizers. If a theano
        RandomStreams object is provided, it will be used directly. Defaults to

    input_dropout : float, optional
        Apply dropout to input layers in the network graph, with this dropout
        rate. Defaults to 0 (no dropout).

    hidden_dropout : float, optional
        Apply dropout to hidden layers in the network graph, with this dropout
        rate. Defaults to 0 (no dropout).

    output_dropout : float, optional
        Apply dropout to the output layer in the network graph, with this
        dropout rate. Defaults to 0 (no dropout).

    input_noise : float, optional
        Apply noise to input layers in the network graph, with this standard
        deviation. Defaults to 0 (no noise).

    hidden_noise : float, optional
        Apply noise to hidden layers in the network graph, with this standard
        deviation. Defaults to 0 (no noise).

    output_noise : float, optional
        Apply noise to the output layer in the network graph, with this
        standard deviation. Defaults to 0 (no noise).

    regs : list of :class:`Regularizer`
        A list of regularizers to apply to the given network graph.
    if 'regularizers' in kwargs:
        regs = kwargs['regularizers']
        if isinstance(regs, (tuple, list)):
            return regs
        if isinstance(regs, dict):

    regs = []

    rng = kwargs.get('rng', 13)

    def pattern(ls):
        return tuple(l.output_name for l in ls)

    inputs = pattern([l for l in graph.layers if isinstance(l, layers.Input)])
    hiddens = pattern(graph.layers[1:-1])
    outputs = pattern([graph.layers[-1]])

    # create regularizers for different types of canned dropout.
    spec = {inputs: kwargs.get('input_dropout', 0),
            hiddens: kwargs.get('hidden_dropout', 0),
            outputs: kwargs.get('output_dropout', 0)}
    spec.update(kwargs.get('dropout', {}))
    for pattern, w in spec.items():
        if w:
            regs.append(BernoulliDropout(pattern=pattern, weight=w, rng=rng))

    # create regularizers for different types of canned noise.
    spec = {inputs: kwargs.get('input_noise', 0),
            hiddens: kwargs.get('hidden_noise', 0),
            outputs: kwargs.get('output_noise', 0)}
    spec.update(kwargs.get('noise', {}))
    for pattern, w in spec.items():
        if w:
            regs.append(GaussianNoise(pattern=pattern, weight=w, rng=rng))

    # create regularizers based on other keyword arguments.
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        if Regularizer.is_registered(key):
            if not isinstance(value, dict):
                value = dict(weight=value)
            regs.append(, **value))

    return regs

[docs]class Regularizer(util.Registrar(str('Base'), (), {})): r'''A regularizer for a neural network model. Subclasses of this base usually either provide an implementation of the :func:`modify_graph` method, or an implementation of the :func:`loss` method (but (almost?) never both). Parameters ---------- pattern : str A shell-style glob pattern describing the parameters or outputs that this regularizer ought to apply to. weight : float A scalar weight that indicates the "strength" of this regularizer in the overall loss for a model. Attributes ---------- pattern : str A shell-style glob pattern describing the parameters or outputs that this regularizer ought to apply to. weight : float A scalar weight that indicates the "strength" of this regularizer in the overall loss for a model. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, pattern='*', weight=0.): self.pattern = pattern self.weight = weight
[docs] def log(self): '''Log some diagnostic info about this regularizer.''' util.log('regularizer: {0.weight} * ' '{0.__class__.__name__}({0.pattern})', self)
[docs] def modify_graph(self, outputs): '''Modify the outputs of a particular layer in the computation graph. Parameters ---------- outputs : dict of Theano expressions A map from string output names to the corresponding Theano expression. This dictionary contains the fully-scoped name of all outputs from a single layer in the computation graph. This map is mutable, so any changes that the regularizer makes will be retained when the caller regains control. Notes ----- This method is applied during graph-construction time to change the behavior of one or more layer outputs. For example, the :class:`BernoulliDropout` class replaces matching outputs with an expression containing "masked" outputs, where some elements are randomly set to zero each time the expression is evaluated. Any regularizer that needs to modify the structure of the computation graph should implement this method. ''' pass
[docs] def loss(self, layers, outputs): '''Compute a scalar term to add to the loss function for a model. Parameters ---------- layers : list of :class:`theanets.layers.Layer` A list of the layers in the model being regularized. outputs : dict of Theano expressions A dictionary mapping string expression names to their corresponding Theano expressions in the computation graph. This dictionary contains the fully-scoped name of every layer output in the graph. ''' return 0.
[docs]class WeightL2(Regularizer): r'''Decay the weights in a model using an L2 norm penalty. Notes ----- This regularizer implements the :func:`loss` method to add the following term to the network's loss function: .. math:: \frac{1}{|\Omega|} \sum_{i \in \Omega} \|W_i\|_F^2 where :math:`\Omega` is a set of "matching" weight parameters, and :math`\|\cdot\|_F` is the Frobenius norm (sum of squared elements). This regularizer tends to prevent the weights in a model from getting "too large." Large weights are often associated with overfitting in a model, so the regularizer tends to help prevent overfitting. Examples -------- This regularizer can be specified at training or test time by providing the ``weight_l2`` or ``weight_decay`` keyword arguments: >>> net = theanets.Regression(...) To use this regularizer at training time: >>> net.train(..., weight_decay=0.1) By default all (2-dimensional) weights in the model are penalized. To include only some weights: >>> net.train(..., weight_decay=dict(weight=0.1, pattern='hid[23].w')) To use this regularizer when running the model forward to generate a prediction: >>> net.predict(..., weight_decay=0.1) The value associated with the keyword argument can be a scalar---in which case it provides the weight for the regularizer---or a dictionary, in which case it will be passed as keyword arguments directly to the constructor. References ---------- .. [Moo95] J. Moody, S. Hanson, A. Krogh, & J. A. Hertz. (1995). "A simple weight decay can improve generalization." NIPS 4, 950-957. ''' __extra_registration_keys__ = ['weight_l2', 'weight_decay']
[docs] def loss(self, layers, outputs): matches = util.params_matching(layers, self.pattern) variables = [var for _, var in matches if var.ndim > 1] if not variables: return 0 return sum((v * v).mean() for v in variables) / len(variables)
[docs]class WeightL1(Regularizer): r'''Decay the weights in a model using an L1 norm penalty. Notes ----- This regularizer implements the :func:`loss` method to add the following term to the network's loss function: .. math:: \frac{1}{|\Omega|} \sum_{i \in \Omega} \|W_i\|_1 where :math:`\Omega` is a set of "matching" weight parameters, and the L1 norm :math`\|\cdot\|_1` is the sum of the absolute values of the elements in the matrix. This regularizer tends to encourage the weights in a model to be zero. Nonzero weights are used only when they are able to reduce the other components of the loss (e.g., the squared reconstruction error). Examples -------- This regularizer can be specified at training or test time by providing the ``weight_l1`` or ``weight_sparsity`` keyword arguments: >>> net = theanets.Regression(...) To use this regularizer at training time: >>> net.train(..., weight_sparsity=0.1) By default all (2-dimensional) weights in the model are penalized. To include only some weights: >>> net.train(..., weight_sparsity=dict(weight=0.1, pattern='hid[23].w')) To use this regularizer when running the model forward to generate a prediction: >>> net.predict(..., weight_sparsity=0.1) The value associated with the keyword argument can be a scalar---in which case it provides the weight for the regularizer---or a dictionary, in which case it will be passed as keyword arguments directly to the constructor. References ---------- .. [Qiu11] Q. Qiu, Z. Jiang, & R. Chellappa. (ICCV 2011). "Sparse dictionary-based representation and recognition of action attributes." ''' __extra_registration_keys__ = ['weight_l1', 'weight_sparsity']
[docs] def loss(self, layers, outputs): matches = util.params_matching(layers, self.pattern) variables = [var for _, var in matches if var.ndim > 1] if not variables: return 0 return sum(abs(v).mean() for v in variables) / len(variables)
[docs]class HiddenL1(Regularizer): r'''Penalize the activation of hidden layers under an L1 norm. Notes ----- This regularizer implements the :func:`loss` method to add the following term to the network's loss function: .. math:: \frac{1}{|\Omega|} \sum_{i \in \Omega} \|Z_i\|_1 where :math:`\Omega` is a set of "matching" graph output indices, and the L1 norm :math`\|\cdot\|_1` is the sum of the absolute values of the elements in the corresponding array. This regularizer tends to encourage the hidden unit activations in a model to be zero. Nonzero activations are used only when they are able to reduce the other components of the loss (e.g., the squared reconstruction error). This regularizer acts indirectly to force a model to cover the space of its input dataset using as few features as possible; this pressure often causes features to be duplicated with slight variations to "tile" the input space in a very different way than a non-regularized model. Examples -------- This regularizer can be specified at training or test time by providing the ``hidden_l1`` or ``hidden_sparsity`` keyword arguments: >>> net = theanets.Regression(...) To use this regularizer at training time: >>> net.train(..., hidden_sparsity=0.1) By default all hidden layer outputs are penalized. To include only some graph outputs: >>> net.train(..., hidden_sparsity=dict(weight=0.1, pattern='hid3:out')) To use this regularizer when running the model forward to generate a prediction: >>> net.predict(..., hidden_sparsity=0.1) The value associated with the keyword argument can be a scalar---in which case it provides the weight for the regularizer---or a dictionary, in which case it will be passed as keyword arguments directly to the constructor. References ---------- .. [Ng11] A. Ng. (2011). "Sparse Autoencoder." Stanford CS294A Lecture Notes ''' __extra_registration_keys__ = ['hidden_l1', 'hidden_sparsity']
[docs] def loss(self, layers, outputs): pattern = self.pattern if pattern == '*': pattern = [l.output_name for l in layers[1:-1]] matches = util.outputs_matching(outputs, pattern) hiddens = [expr for _, expr in matches] if not hiddens: return 0 return sum(abs(h).mean() for h in hiddens) / len(hiddens)
[docs]class RecurrentNorm(Regularizer): r'''Penalize successive activation norms of recurrent layers. Notes ----- This regularizer implements the :func:`loss` method to add the following term to a recurrent network's loss function: .. math:: \frac{1}{T|\Omega|} \sum_{i \in \Omega} \sum_{t=1}^T \left( \|Z_i^t\|_2^2 - \|Z_i^{t-1}\|_2^2 \right)^2 where :math:`\Omega` is a set of "matching" graph output indices, and the squared L2 norm :math`\|\cdot\|_2^2` is the sum of the squares of the elements in the corresponding array. This regularizer encourages the norms of the hidden state activations in a recurrent layer to remain constant over time. Examples -------- This regularizer can be specified at training or test time by providing the ``recurrent_norm`` keyword argument: >>> net = theanets.Regression(...) To use this regularizer at training time: >>> net.train(..., recurrent_norm=dict(weight=0.1, pattern='hid3:out')) A ``pattern`` must be provided; this pattern will match against all outputs in the computation graph, so some care must be taken to ensure that the regularizer is applied only to specific layer outputs. To use this regularizer when running the model forward to generate a prediction: >>> net.predict(..., recurrent_norm=0.1) The value associated with the keyword argument can be a scalar---in which case it provides the weight for the regularizer---or a dictionary, in which case it will be passed as keyword arguments directly to the constructor. References ---------- .. [Kru15] D. Krueger & R. Memisevic. (ICLR 2016?) "Regularizing RNNs by Stabilizing Activations." ''' __extra_registration_keys__ = ['recurrent_norm']
[docs] def loss(self, layers, outputs): matches = util.outputs_matching(outputs, self.pattern) hiddens = [expr for _, expr in matches] if not hiddens: return 0 norms = ((e * e).sum(axis=-1) for e in hiddens) deltas = ((e[:, :-1] - e[:, 1:]).mean() for e in norms) return sum(deltas) / len(hiddens)
[docs]class RecurrentState(Regularizer): r'''Penalize state changes of recurrent layers. Notes ----- This regularizer implements the :func:`loss` method to add the following term to a recurrent network's loss function: .. math:: \frac{1}{T|\Omega|} \sum_{i \in \Omega} \sum_{t=1}^T \| Z_i^t - Z_i^{t-1} \|_2^2 where :math:`\Omega` is a set of "matching" graph output indices, and the squared L2 norm :math`\|\cdot\|_2^2` is the sum of the squares of the elements in the corresponding array. This regularizer tends to encourage the hidden state activations in a recurrent layer to remain constant over time. Deviations from a constant state thus require "evidence" from the loss. Examples -------- This regularizer can be specified at training or test time by providing the ``recurrent_state`` keyword argument: >>> net = theanets.Regression(...) To use this regularizer at training time: >>> net.train(..., recurrent_state=dict(weight=0.1, pattern='hid3:out')) A ``pattern`` must be provided; this pattern will match against all outputs in the computation graph, so some care must be taken to ensure that the regularizer is applied only to specific layer outputs. To use this regularizer when running the model forward to generate a prediction: >>> net.predict(..., recurrent_state=dict(weight=0.1, pattern='hid3:out')) The value associated with the keyword argument can be a scalar---in which case it provides the weight for the regularizer---or a dictionary, in which case it will be passed as keyword arguments directly to the constructor. References ---------- ''' __extra_registration_keys__ = ['recurrent_state']
[docs] def loss(self, layers, outputs): matches = util.outputs_matching(outputs, self.pattern) hiddens = [expr for _, expr in matches] if not hiddens: return 0 deltas = (e[:, :-1] - e[:, 1:] for e in hiddens) return sum((d * d).mean() for d in deltas) / len(hiddens)
[docs]class Contractive(Regularizer): r'''Penalize the derivative of hidden layers with respect to their inputs. Parameters ---------- wrt : str, optional A glob-style pattern that specifies the inputs with respect to which the derivative should be computed. Defaults to ``'*'``, which matches all inputs. Notes ----- This regularizer implements the :func:`loss` method to add the following term to the network's loss function: .. math:: \frac{1}{|\Omega|} \sum_{i \in \Omega} \|\frac{\partial Z_i}{x}\|_F^2 where :math:`\Omega` is a set of "matching" graph output indices, :math:`Z_i` is the output of network graph :math:`i`, :math:`x` is the input to the network graph, and :math`\|\cdot\|_F` is the Frobenius norm (sum of the squared elements in the array). This regularizer attempts to make the derivative of the hidden representatin flat with respect to the input. In theory, this encourages the network to learn features that are insensitive to small changes in the input (that is, they are mostly perpindicular to the input manifold). Like the :class:`HiddenL1` regularizer, this acts indirectly to force a model to cover the space of its input dataset using as few features as possible; this pressure often causes features to be duplicated with slight variations to "tile" the input space in a very different way than a non-regularized model. Examples -------- This regularizer can be specified at training or test time by providing the ``hidden_l1`` or ``hidden_sparsity`` keyword arguments: >>> net = theanets.Regression(...) To use this regularizer at training time: >>> net.train(..., contractive=0.1) By default all hidden layer outputs are included. To include only some graph outputs: >>> net.train(..., contractive=dict(weight=0.1, pattern='hid3:out', wrt='in')) To use this regularizer when running the model forward to generate a prediction: >>> net.predict(..., contractive=0.1) The value associated with the keyword argument can be a scalar---in which case it provides the weight for the regularizer---or a dictionary, in which case it will be passed as keyword arguments directly to the constructor. References ---------- .. [Rif11] S. Rifai, P. Vincent, X. Muller, X. Glorot, & Y. Bengio. (ICML 2011). "Contractive auto-encoders: Explicit invariance during feature extraction." '''
[docs] def __init__(self, pattern=None, weight=0., wrt='*'): self.wrt = wrt super(Contractive, self).__init__(pattern=pattern, weight=weight)
[docs] def log(self): '''Log some diagnostic info about this regularizer.''' util.log('regularizer: {0.weight} * ' '{0.__class__.__name__}({0.pattern} wrt ' '{0.wrt})', self)
[docs] def loss(self, layer_list, outputs): pattern = self.pattern if pattern == '*': pattern = [l.output_name for l in layer_list[1:-1]] targets = [expr for _, expr in util.outputs_matching(outputs, pattern)] if not targets: return 0 wrt = [l.input for l in layer_list if isinstance(l, layers.Input) and fnmatch.fnmatch(, self.wrt)] total = sum(TT.sqr(TT.grad(h.mean(), wrt)).mean() for h in targets) return total / len(targets)
[docs]class GaussianNoise(Regularizer): r'''Add isotropic Gaussian noise to one or more graph outputs. Parameters ---------- rng : Theano random number generator, optional A Theano random number generator to use for creating noise and dropout values. If not provided, a new generator will be produced for this layer. Notes ----- This regularizer implements the :func:`modify_graph` method to "inject" noise into the loss function of a network. Suppose we were optimizing a linear :class:`regression <theanets.feedforward.Regression>` model with one hidden layer under a mean squared error. The loss for an input/output pair :math:`(x, y)` would be: .. math:: \mathcal{L} = \| V(Wx + b) + c - y \|_2^2 where :math:`W (V)` and :math:`b (c)` are the weights and bias parameters of the first (and second) layers in the model. If we regularized this model with Gaussian noise, the loss for this pair would be: .. math:: \mathcal{L} = \| V(W(x+\epsilon) + b) + c - y \|_2^2 where :math:`\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)` is isotropic random noise with standard deviation :math:`\sigma`. This regularizer encourages the model to develop parameter settings that are robust to noisy inputs. There are some parallels to the :class:`Contractive` regularizer, in that both models are thought to develop internal representations that are orthogonal to the manifold of the input data, so that noisy inputs are "pushed back" onto the manifold by the network. Examples -------- This regularizer can be specified at training or test time by providing the ``noise`` or ``input_noise`` or ``hidden_noise`` keyword arguments: >>> net = theanets.Regression(...) To apply this regularizer at training time to network inputs: >>> net.train(..., input_noise=0.1) And to apply the regularizer to hidden states of the network: >>> net.train(..., hidden_noise=0.1) To target specific network outputs, a pattern can be given manually: >>> net.train(..., noise={'hid[23]:out': 0.1, 'in:out': 0.01}) To use this regularizer when running the model forward to generate a prediction: >>> net.predict(..., input_noise=0.1) The value associated with the ``input_noise`` or ``hidden_noise`` keyword arguments should be a scalar giving the standard deviation of the noise to apply. The value of the ``noise`` keyword argument should be a dictionary, whose keys provide glob-style output name patterns, and the corresponding values are the noise level. References ---------- .. [Vin10] P. Vincent, H. Larochelle, Y. Bengio, & P.-A. Manzagol. (ICML 2008). "Extracting and composing robust features with denoising autoencoders." '''
[docs] def __init__(self, pattern='*:out', weight=0., rng=13): super(GaussianNoise, self).__init__(pattern=pattern, weight=weight) self.rng = RandomStreams(rng) if isinstance(rng, int) else rng
[docs] def log(self): '''Log some diagnostic info about this regularizer.''' util.log('regularizer: {0.weight} * ' '{0.__class__.__name__}({0.pattern})', self)
[docs] def modify_graph(self, outputs): for name, expr in list(util.outputs_matching(outputs, self.pattern)): outputs[name + '-prenoise'] = expr outputs[name] = expr + self.rng.normal( size=expr.shape, std=self.weight, dtype=util.FLOAT)
[docs]class BernoulliDropout(Regularizer): r'''Randomly set activations of a layer output to zero. Parameters ---------- rng : Theano random number generator, optional A Theano random number generator to use for creating noise and dropout values. If not provided, a new generator will be produced for this layer. Notes ----- This regularizer implements the :func:`modify_graph` method to "inject" multiplicative Bernoulli noise into the loss function of a network. Suppose we were optimizing a linear :class:`regression <theanets.feedforward.Regression>` model with one hidden layer under a mean squared error. The loss for an input/output pair :math:`(x, y)` would be: .. math:: \mathcal{L} = \| V(Wx + b) + c - y \|_2^2 where :math:`W (V)` and :math:`b (c)` are the weights and bias parameters of the first (and second) layers in the model. If we regularized this model's input with multiplicative Bernoulli "noise," the loss for this pair would be: .. math:: \mathcal{L} = \| V(W(x\cdot\rho) + b) + c - y \|_2^2 where :math:`\rho \sim \mathcal{B}(p)` is a vector of independent Bernoulli samples with probability :math:`p`. This regularizer encourages the model to develop parameter settings such that internal features are independent. Dropout is widely used as a powerful regularizer in many types of neural network models. Examples -------- This regularizer can be specified at training or test time by providing the ``dropout`` or ``input_dropout`` or ``hidden_dropout`` keyword arguments: >>> net = theanets.Regression(...) To apply this regularizer at training time to network inputs: >>> net.train(..., input_dropout=0.1) And to apply the regularizer to hidden states of the network: >>> net.train(..., hidden_dropout=0.1) To target specific network outputs, a pattern can be given manually: >>> net.train(..., dropout={'hid[23]:out': 0.1, 'in:out': 0.01}) To use this regularizer when running the model forward to generate a prediction: >>> net.predict(..., input_dropout=0.1) The value associated with the ``input_dropout`` or ``hidden_dropout`` keyword arguments should be a scalar giving the probability of the dropout to apply. The value of the ``dropout`` keyword argument should be a dictionary, whose keys provide glob-style output name patterns, and the corresponding values are the dropout level. References ---------- .. [Hin12] G. E. Hinton, N. Srivastava, A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever, & R. R. Salakhutdinov. (2012). "Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors." '''
[docs] def __init__(self, pattern='*:out', weight=0., rng=13): super(BernoulliDropout, self).__init__(pattern=pattern, weight=weight) self.rng = RandomStreams(rng) if isinstance(rng, int) else rng
[docs] def log(self): '''Log some diagnostic info about this regularizer.''' util.log('regularizer: {0.__class__.__name__}({0.pattern}) ~ ' 'B({0.weight})', self)
[docs] def modify_graph(self, outputs): for name, expr in list(util.outputs_matching(outputs, self.pattern)): noise = self.rng.binomial( size=expr.shape, n=1, p=1-self.weight, dtype=util.FLOAT) outputs[name + '-predrop'] = expr outputs[name] = expr * noise / (1-self.weight)