
class theanets.layers.feedforward.Feedforward(size, inputs, name=None, activation='logistic', **kwargs)

A feedforward neural network layer performs a transform of its input.

More precisely, feedforward layers as implemented here perform an affine transformation of their input, followed by a potentially nonlinear “activation” function performed elementwise on the transformed input.

Feedforward layers are the fundamental building block on which most neural network models are built.

__init__(size, inputs, name=None, activation='logistic', **kwargs)


setup() Set up the parameters and initial values for this layer.
transform(inputs) Transform the inputs for this layer into an output for the layer.


input_size For networks with one input, get the input size.
num_params Total number of learnable parameters in this layer.
params A list of all parameters in this layer.

Set up the parameters and initial values for this layer.


Transform the inputs for this layer into an output for the layer.


inputs : dict of Theano expressions

Symbolic inputs to this layer, given as a dictionary mapping string names to Theano expressions. See Layer.connect().


outputs : dict of Theano expressions

A map from string output names to Theano expressions for the outputs from this layer. This layer type generates a “pre” output that gives the unit activity before applying the layer’s activation function, and an “out” output that gives the post-activation output.

updates : list of update pairs

An empty list of updates to apply from this layer.